Saturday, October 20, 2012

Books that are now in my bullpen are...Dearie, The Remarkable Life of Julia Child, by Bob Spitz, J.K. Rowling's new novel, The Casual Vacancy, Twelve Patients, Life and Death at Bellevue Hospital by Eric Manheimer, MD and Autobiography of Mark Twain, Vol. 1.  Truth be told, I am halfway through Mark Twain's Autobio and love it.  I would have liked to have known him...and especially attended public events with him, as he was such an acerbic commentator on the foibles of those around him.  Am sure, at serious, sober events, many folks had to stifle a laugh at his "under his breath" and right from the podium comments.  As much as I am enjoying Vol. 1, what on earth could there be in Volume 2, as Vol 1 is over 600 pages, with very, very tiny print?

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